Sunday, August 29, 2010

the loves in my life

My beautiful pups wake me up between 3-5am every morning. It's ok because I love them. Last night however I took them for a long walk, which I haven't done in a few weeks. They slept in until ALMOST 6am this morning! Now they are just playing in the tv room half awake. They both want to sleep but they fight it. They may get baths today.

It's funny, these animals have brought such joy to my life. It's sort of nice to have something to take care of that doesn't talk back and is always happy to see you. I'm sure that I sound like a crazy cat lady or something but seriously. They have given a little more meaning to my life. I look forward to seeing them when I get home, they always make me smile, and they are just adorable. I'm so glad that I have had the opportunity to see/help Aussie give birth to her puppies and to know that Bandit was the one we helped come out. We were so involved with Bandits birth. Haha. He's amazing, how much he's grown since we've had him in the few weeks. He's going to be Aussie's size soon and then he's not going to be cute anymore :( By then my next post will be "these dogs are driving me nuts." Well they already do a little now but I still love them.

God I probably shouldn't have kids. This is ridiculous.
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